The Ultimate Fighters
A dedicated group of cyclists and friends who have joined together to help end Multiple Sclerosis
A 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization
11 Years ago, Ernie and Susan Lashlee, The Ultimate Fighters. The team has changed in size over the years, but a core group, including the Lashlees are part of our biking "family".
Our team members range in age from teens to 70's, and we ride in various MS Rides throughout Florida and the US
We have created this page to help communcate with our team (and the world) and to share our stories, pictures and adventures as The Ultimate Fighters team grows!.
Would you like more information about The Ultimate Fighters, our upcoming events, how to join the team or volunteer?
Take a moment to fill out the form below and one of our team members will contact you!
We will not (ever) sell or distribute our email list!